News 2010
Valley of the Sun Stage Race - Tucson
The race was a really good start to the season, and I'm happy with 11th right now because I have only just started speedwork last week! I really improved my winter training this year by not going too hard too soon, (so I don't burn out in May). It worked! I was about 30 watts off my best, which means I have lots of room to improve in the next two months. I'm right on schedule. :)
The road race was not very interesting, it is a hard course to break away from b/c it has one small hill and is otherwise flat and windy. Pack finish. As for the crit, I surfed the back and enjoyed every moment of it. We have two crit specialists on our Trisports Cycling team, so my job was to hang in the back and pull them up if they started to blow up. They didn't, and we had our top rider get 6th. I have terrific teammates this year, which is a huge improvement from last year. Kathryn Bertine